Tooth ache when brushing teeth or when consuming certain foods and drinks is an inconvenience that is often experienced by people with sensitive teeth. Tooth ache problems because these sensitive teeth have various causes. However, there are also preventative steps you can take to overcome them.
Pain in teeth due to sensitive teeth generally occurs due to erosion of the protective layer of teeth (tooth enamel). The erosion of tooth enamel causes exposed layers of teeth called dentin to the outside of the teeth.
When dentin which is rich in nerve fibers is exposed to various stimuli such as food and cold drinks, heat, acids, or certain other activities that involve teeth, then the nerve fibers of the teeth will be stimulated so that there is a sense of pain in the teeth.
In some cases, dentin can also be exposed due to shrinkage or gum disease which then causes tooth ache and pain.
Causes of Tooth Pain and Preventive Steps
By recognizing the cause, you can take preventative steps so that the pain in the teeth does not get worse or recur. Here are some causes of tooth aches:Error brushing teeth
One of the causes of erosion of tooth enamel that can trigger tooth ache is brushing teeth too hard. Inappropriate selection of toothbrushes, for example those with coarse or too pointed bristles can injure the gums and erode the tooth layer, causing sensitive teeth.
To overcome this, try switching to a toothbrush with soft bristles and brushing your teeth carefully, gently, and slowly.
Excessive use of mouthwash
The alcohol content and other chemicals in mouthwash or mouthwash can make your teeth more sensitive, especially if the dentin is already open. Limit or avoid using mouthwash and be more diligent in brushing your teeth and rinsing them thoroughly, then use dental floss to clean teeth from food scraps that are hard to reach by a toothbrush.
Food and drinks consumed
Eating foods and drinks that are sour, fizzy, sweet, and sticky candy in the teeth can stimulate nerves in sensitive teeth. So, limit and avoid these foods and drinks. If you have already consumed it, wait for about an hour to brush your teeth. It is recommended to eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in fiber, cheese, milk, green or black tea, and plain yogurt. The intake can moisturize the mouth, and fight acids and bacteria that can eat away the layers of teeth.
Tooth grinding habits
This habit can cause tooth enamel to erode. In some cases, the habit of grinding your teeth can be caused by certain medical conditions such as stress. You are advised to consult a doctor to treat the condition.
Another way that can be done to protect teeth from this habit is to use a mouth protector, or do dental care to change the position of the teeth and relax the jaw and mouth muscles.
Teeth whitening or bleaching
Bleaching causes teeth to ache or sensitive teeth. To relieve aching teeth, it is recommended to use special toothpaste for sensitive teeth. If you require certain treatments, you are advised to consult a dentist.
Excessive plaque buildup
Excessive plaque buildup can cause tooth enamel to disappear and make teeth more sensitive. To prevent this, do daily dental care, such as diligently brushing your teeth and using dental floss to clean leftovers. Don't forget to clean tartar to the dentist at least once every 6 months or whenever needed.
Factors of medical conditions that cause toothache
As we get older, the gums will shrink and weaken to the effect of causing sensitive teeth, and prone to gum disease. Cavities and broken or leaky dental fillings can also trigger tooth aches.
This situation needs to be addressed by a dentist. Treatment using fluoride, dental filling procedures to cover roots, dental sealants, to serious cases root canal treatment and gum grafts may be recommended.
Special Toothpaste for Tooth Pain Problems
To deal with increasingly severe and recurrent sensitive teeth, doctors often recommend using special toothpaste for sensitive teeth. In contrast to ordinary toothpaste, special toothpaste sensitive teeth generally contain a variety of ingredients that are useful for reducing tooth sensitivity, for example potassium nitrate or strontium chloride. This material plays an important role in protecting nerves in the teeth, while helping to reduce the pain in sensitive teeth. Aluminum lactate and isopropyl methylphenol (IPMP) are also ingredients used in special toothpaste sensitive toothpaste products. Aluminum lactate plays a role in establishing long-lasting protection for sensitive teeth. While isopropyl methylphenol (IPMP) is known as a chemical compound that is widely used in the treatment, prevention, and improvement of medical conditions such as gingivitis. This compound is also an antiseptic that kills bad bacteria in the teeth and gums. To get maximum results, the use of toothpaste is recommended to be done routinely for at least 4 weeks. Owners of sensitive teeth who want to use mouthwash, are advised to choose products that are free of alcohol. And if complaints of aching teeth do not improve or get worse, you are advised to consult a dentist immediately.- Dermaga Apung
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